
Sunday, March 6, 2011

mommy musings

I want my daughter to grow up knowing that her body is her own, that she has a say over it, and that she has the power to say no. It would be really great if people would just ask her permission if they want to kiss or hug her and not be offended when she refuses. She's not a toy that anyone can just hold or hug, nor meat that can be pinched without a care. I mean, would a grown-up like it if a completely random stranger pinches you in the mall or suddenly hugs you? I get that my daughter is cute and all but, admit it, it's just not okay. What's worse is when relatives or friends force a kiss or a hug and when she squirms, they call her a snob to her face. I really don't like it when my daughter is given negative labels especially when she's actually doing nothing wrong. When you call something or someone a label, for example you call a kid a snob, it can get stuck, and she might believe it and actually act a snob even if she was not in the first place. It's not just about being hygienic or not being a snob, it's about teaching her respect. She may be young but she's a person and like any other person she deserves respect. That way she would learn to respect herself and others too. Also, I want her to know that it's okay to say NO. This may be very useful when she gets to her adolescent years and there's so much peer pressure. =)

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